earache remedy that I can use

Home Cure for Ear Pin

There are many home remedies for ear pain. Following are some of the most effective treatment for curing ear ache:
  1. The best home remedy for ear pain is warm moist heat around the ear. Take a clean towel, soak it in warm water and prepare a warm compress to place over the ears. This will give a soothing effect.
  2. You can use a hot water bottle wrapped in a clean cloth as your pillow. It's more comfortable and relieves you from pain.
  3. Take any good gel pack, heat it to a normal temperature and press it over your ears.
  4. If the pain is in excess, you can also take some of the over the counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
  5. A few drops of good and soothing warm mineral oil can also work wonders on sore ears and ease the pain. You have a perforated eardrum, so make sure that you consult a doctor before using the mineral oil therapy.
  6. You can also try some decongestants that can shrink the Eustachian tube and relive ear pain.
  7. Carry a scarf with you whenever you move out with your aching ear. This is because if the air around you causes irritation and bothers your ear ache, you can tie your scarf round your head, tightly covering your ears.
  8. Change of pressure also causes ear ache during a flight. At this stage, chewing gum or sucking a candy can be beneficial as the activity of chewing and sucking helps in stimulating the action of muscles that send air to your ears.

answered by J

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