How Can I Get Rid Of Skin Barnacles?

Skin barnacles are big black growths, occurring in all sizes. They are also big at times as a raised bump. They are benign lesions. They abstain from turning carcinogenic or as seborrheic keratoses. It gives the appearance of a ball of clay attached externally. Seborrheic keratoses are not bound to the skin at the edges. They develop superficially from the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin. They are unlike warts, which develop from deep inside. Removal is done for cosmetic purposes, as they are not precancerous. They mar the appearance of an individual or interfere with the clothing or any other accessories. Freezing with liquid nitrogen is effective. This technique results in removal of water but might contribute to scar in the affected area. A razor blade is used as an alternative to shave them off. Bleeding on the shaved area is avoided by topical application of aluminium chloride or silver nitrate. The latter gives a dark brown color, which fail to leave the surface. Hence, it is not recommended for removal of barnacles from the face. Refer to a dermatologist for guidance on its course of treatment and precautionary measures to be followed.

answered by Dr C

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