Bacteria in body health information

what causes high bacteria in the body and how to cure and prevent

Bacteria are micro-organisms, which are present everywhere. These tiny life forms can pose to be serious health threats when they infect the body and spread disease. Bacteria are generally ubiquitous to organic matter, biomass, water, radio-active waste and soil. They are known to inhabit the bodies of all life forms i.e. both animals and plants. Bacteria are present in large numbers in our bodies and they thrive within our digestive system and on our skin. Certain kinds of bacteria are useful and they play a vital role in the recycling of nutrients. Although a majority of these organisms present in our bodies are usually countered by our immune system, a few of these are pathogenic.

Pathogenic bacteria are the ones that are responsible for causing a large number of diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, leprosy, syphilis, diphtheria, tetanus and pneumonia. These pathogens are also largely responsible for spreading respiratory infections such as tuberculosis. Bacteria cause various sorts of diseases based upon the particular kind of organism. For example, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis, streptococcus and pseudomonas are responsible for causing pneumonia and shigella, and salmonella cause food borne illnesses. Bacteria enter our body through cuts and nicks, polluted food or water, direct contact with an infected person and by touching surfaces that are infected with unhealthy bacteria such as common baths. When our body detects any kind of invasion or infection from these harmful organisms, it releases cells from the immune system in order to destroy them. This is a defense mechanism adopted by the body.

However, not all forms bacteria are bad or harmful. There are certain types of bacteria which are helpful and prove to be beneficial in various ways. They are required to bring about the fermentation of certain foods such as yogurt. In addition, certain strains of the organisms also help in the process of digestion and provide us with protection from different kinds of illness. Bacteria also dwell on the surface of our body; they are required to prevent infections from other harmful types of fungi and bacteria. In order to prevent any kind of bacterial infection, it is necessary to maintain a high level of hygiene. You would also need to eat healthy, so as to build a strong immune system, which can then ward off any kind of disease causing bacteria. Make sure the food and water that you are consuming, has not been contaminated.

answered by G M

Bacteria in body health information 

Most known sicknesses are induced due to an infection from bacteria or viruses. Bacteria are microscopic in nature and are usually one-celled organisms. Bacteria are present on all forms of life n the planet. Diseases caused due to bacteria are termed as pathogenic. Bacteria enters the body through nicks and cuts, water or food that has been polluted, intimate interaction with an infected individual, indirect contact through touching infected surfaces in public areas etc.

The most simple and effective way to stay away from bacteria is to ensure that all forms of contact via the bacteria are eliminated in the abovementioned causes.

When the body senses an infection or invasion from the harmful bacteria, it responds to this attack but releasing cells emerging from the body's defense mechanism otherwise known as the immune system to destroy the bacteria. The blood flow also increases and the rush of white blood cells that fight the invasion is also enhanced. The antibodies that are developed from the immune system fight against the harmful bacteria by binding itself to the bacteria while destroying them. a times when the infection is too severe or the infection reaches an advanced stage, antibiotic medications aid in destroying the pathogens. Antibiotics act by interrupting the bacterium's very life growth.

answered by C B

Bacteria in body health information 

Bacteria can cause different types of illnesses based on the type of organism. Infections in the digestive tract, urinary tract, nervous system, respiratory tract, and blood can occur because of bacteria.
Not all bacteria are bad for health; some foods, like fermented foods, contain bacteria that are required by the body. These bacteria can help in digestion of food and also protect us from certain infections. In addition, there are some bacteria that normal dwell on the body, and getting rid of them can invite infection from other, harmful bacteria and fungi.

The first step to avoid getting infected by bad bacteria is to maintain a high level of hygiene. Also, it is very important to develop a strong immune system by eating a well-balanced diet. Treat your wounds with great care and avoid any kind of infections by keeping the wounds clean. Contaminated water is one of the main causes of various infections. Drinking clean and pure water is important to prevent bacterial infections. It is not possible to be completely bacteria free, but these are some home remedies that you can use:

  • Olive leaf extract, oleuropein is known to have anti-bacterial properties. It fights bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause infections.
  • Probiotics also fight bacterial infection; increase your intake of foods that contain probiotics.
  • Boric acid contains mild anti-bacterial properties; however, it should never be taken orally, or placed on open wounds. In addition, it should not be used for pregnant women and children.
  • Tea tree oil is known to suppress bacterial infections.

answered by G R

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