Pineapple juice to mask menses odour

Will drinking pineapple juice mask the smell of your period?

Menses odor remedies

Your menstrual periods come around every month and with the first sign of their onset your heart sinks as you contemplate all the things that you have to get used to over the next few days. Menstrual periods are messy and can make you feel yucky. The discharge has a distinctive smell that seems to fill your nostrils so that you think that the entire world can smell you. However, in most cases this is not the case. This is only your extra sensitive perception kicking in.

Still, if you would feel happier smelling good, then you can follow these simple suggestions. Wash yourself each time you visit the bathroom. If you cannot do that, then simply use a damp toile roll to clean yourself. Remember to dry yourself well. Change your sanitary pads as often as you can. You can also change your underwear when you change your sanitary pads. Wearing loose clothes will certainly make you feel cooler and free. During the days when you have your menstrual cycle, dress in clothes made of natural fibers.   These will make you feel more comfortable.

You can add some nice bath salts to your bath water so that you smell good throughout the day. Using a perfume of your choice will also help you. Most important of all is that you should stop worrying about smelling bad. Drinking pineapple juice will certainly make you feel nicer so there is absolutely no harm in your drinking this when you have your menstrual periods.

answered by G R

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