Rash advice

I am suffering from red and scaly rash that starts from my hands and goes up my arms. It burns when touched and when warm water hits it. What is it?

Advice for rash

The kind of rash you describe could be anything from sunburn to an allergy. It is best that you get medical advice on exactly what it is before you start with treatment of the same. You can use remedies that will help cool down your skin. Mix a few drops of rose water in half a cup of yogurt and apply on the rash. Leave this on for about 30 minutes or till it starts to dry off and then wash it. This should soothe the rash and cool your skin. The best part about this remedy is that you can repeat it as often as you want.

You can also apply cold compresses for temporary relief, and if you have a heat rash, you will see that these compresses will help bring down the heat levels in you skin as well. Apply fresh chilled milk to your rashes. This will help heal them. You can also make it a part of your routine to eat a single clove of garlic everyday, washed down with warm water. This will help heal your skin from within. You must also work towards improving the general health and immunity of your body. This can be done by consuming Echinacea every day, at least once a day. This is easily available over the counter.

answered by G R

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