- Drink the juice of fresh grapes whenever you get an attack of migraine headache.
- Crush some fresh leaves of cabbage and wrap them in a cloth. Compress on your forehead whenever you get headaches due to migraine. You can continue doing this for 15 to 20 minutes and change the leaves to start afresh.
- Grind some lemon crusts and make their paste. Apply this on your forehead and rinse it off as it dries. You can do this 2 or 3 times a day when the headache increases.
- In 300 ml of carrot juice mix 200 ml of spinach juice and consume it twice a day when you have the headache. Or you can drink the mixture of 300 ml of carrot juice and 100 ml each of beet juice and cucumber juice.
- Fast for 3 days on an exclusive diet of orange, celery, orange or cucumber juice and water. This will help in flushing out the toxins and cleansing the system. If you get migraine attacks recurrently, then follow this fast regime with an all fruit diet for a period of another 3 days.
- Take a hot bath followed by a cold compress on your forehead.
- Take a stroll in the fresh air and eat light and frequent meals.
answered by D D