I want to know the cure for piles and colitis

Alternative treatment for Piles and colitis

Piles are mostly an indicator that you are not consuming enough fiber in your diet. They are usually a result of hard motions which rupture and damage the anus and lining thereabouts. The only way to get instant relief from piles is to be on a high fiber-low carbohydrate diet. An effective remedy to provide relief is to apply aloe vera gel directly to the affected area.

This will also reduce the pain at once. Applying petroleum jelly or Vaseline all around and slightly inside your anus will also help facilitate motions. Alternatively, you can also use olive oil. If the burning and itching are excessive, you can use chilled tea bags for cooling relief. A thick paste of turmeric powder and clarified butter applied to the anal area will arrest infection. Try to sit on soft surfaces. Eliminate the use of toilet paper and use your hands and water to wash after motions. This method will have to be followed till you are fully healed. Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that results in bloody, watery stools. For colitis as well, it is important to switch to a diet that is high in fiber. Concentrate more on fruits, as fruit pectin is considered to be helpful in curing colitis. You must also cut back on milk and milk products.

answered by G R

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