I have a cyst below my knee filled with fluid. Natural remedies?

Cyst is a sac filled with fluid and can occur anywhere in the body. Cysts are mainly filled with gaseous, liquid or semi solid substances. The major causes are wear and tear of body organs, tumor, infections, inflammatory conditions or genetic conditions.

If you have a cyst filled with fluid below your knee, follow the following natural home remedies for cure:

  • You can try placing a needle into the cyst under your knee and draw out the fluid present inside. You can then tie a bandage or splint your knee to keep it from moving.
  • Acetaminophen or other over-the-counter drugs or analgesics are often used to control pain caused by cysts.
  • Splint your knee to reduce inflammation and immobilize the knee.
  • Cod liver oil capsules are also a great natural remedy for curing cysts. An overdose of cod liver oil helps in breaking the cyst and will prevent reformation of cyst.
  • You can try applying garlic pods on the affected area under your knee. Garlic has healing properties and will help in quick recovery.

answered by J

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