What to do for Diarrhea in Childern Under the Age of Two?

Diarrhea is a natural process that helps in the elimination of infection causing microbes from the body. It refers to a digestive disorder involving loose, watery stools more than thrice a day. It is mainly a result of a viral, bacterial or parasitic infection that affects the digestive tract. Medication, illnesses related to the digestive system and food intolerances can also lead to diarrhea. Bloating, cramps in the lower abdomen, nausea and an urgent need to pass stools are characteristic of this condition. Visiting a doctor is recommended if a fever accompanies the condition, the pain persists or if the stools are blood-streaked. Dehydration starts setting in due to a loss of fluids and can pose a grave threat if the condition persists for three or more days.

Drinking plenty of water prevents dehydration by replacing the loss of fluids. Adding electrolytes to the water helps in restoring the electrolyte equilibrium of the body, to some extent. Coconut water is rich in nutrients and prevents dehydration. Apples are an instant source of energy and the pectin present in them is beneficial in stopping diarrhea. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, taken with every meal, stops diarrhea and restores potassium and magnesium levels in the body. The weakness and fatigue caused by dehydration can be reduced with pomegranates. Carrots prevent the growth of bacteria, nausea and vomiting and can be given in the form of soup. Yogurt is known for its anti-microbial quality. Hence, increasing your intake of yogurt will help in eliminating the germs responsible for the loose, watery stools. Chamomile has the capacity to relieve pain, stop cramps and prevent inflammation. Drinking a concoction of warm water and a few drops of chamomile oil provides relief from diarrhea. Ginger has the ability to stop pain, cramping and aids digestion. Chewing on grated ginger and honey will help in providing relief from diarrhea. Honey not only kills the pungency of ginger but is in fact a natural healer known for its anti-septic, anti-biotic and anti-microbial properties.

When suffering from diarrhea, it is recommended that you have light meals that are easy to digest. Baked or boiled foods and salads are highly recommended. Oily, spicy foods should be avoided. Artificial sweeteners, milk and dairy products like butter and cheese may aggravate the condition. Caffeine and alcohol should be completely shunned as they tend to dehydrate the body. The body requires plenty of rest in order to be able to recuperate from the damage caused by diarrhea.

answered by G M

Natural Treatment for Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be treated through the following natural treatments:

  • Herbs like blackberry, chamomile and raspberry are good for treating diarrhea. These herbs can either be taken in tea form or mixed with juices such as banana juice, pineapple juice or papaya juice.
  • Fenugreek leaves helps in lubricating the intestine and reducing fever.
  • Grapefruit seed extract with its anti-parasitic properties helps in fighting the parasites responsible for causing diarrhea.
  • Slippery elm bark in any form can help in soothing the digestive tract.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids as these help in restoring the body fluids that are washed away during diarrhea. Loss of water can also result in dehydration; therefore excess of fluids will help fulfill the fluid requirements of your body.
  • Carrot juice is also good as it helps in making the stools less watery.
  • You can also try taking rice water and eat plenty of rice because rice helps in forming stools and supplies the required amount of vitamins.
  • Wild oregano oil is another alternative for treating diarrhea. Oregano oil has anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-viral agents that destroy the toxins causing diarrhea.
  • Avoid high fiber foods such as whole cereals because these foods exert more pressure on the digestive tract and worsen the condition of diarrhea.

answered by J

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