What is a good natural cough suppressant?

There are several cough suppressants easily available in the kitchen. Grapes are an excellent expectorant as they clear up the lungs. A cup of grape juice at room temperature with a teaspoon of honey added to it can be taken as many as three times a day. Half a cup of onion juice mixed with two tablespoons of honey will act in the same fashion. Onion juice is also very useful in removing phlegm from the system. Hot milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of honey will also help suppress coughs. The turmeric powder will also heal sore throats. Herbal tea with aniseed added to it is also a very good cough suppressant. Herbal tea with holy basil added to it is also an excellent remedy for suppressing cough. A pinch of freshly ground black pepper mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lime juice will help reduce the intensity of the cough. You can suck on a piece of dry ginger all day to relieve coughing. Inhaling the vapours of eucalyptus leaves is also an excellent soother for throats dried up due to coughing. Warm carrot juice will help relieve dry cough. Avoid consuming sugar in any form, as this will only aggravate your cough. You can have jaggery instead, which will soothe and heal.

answered by G M

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