Whats a good cure for dandruff

Dandruff is a condition which affects millions of people world wide. It is characterized by the appearance of tiny white flakes or scales on the scalp. Dandruff may either be dry dandruff or oily. When a person has dry dandruff, the scales lie loosely scattered among the person’s hair and at times may flake of the scalp to settle on the person’s clothes, face and eyebrows. Oily dandruff on the other hand tends to stick to the scalp in clumps. Dandruff may at times cause severe itching, and the act of scratching could cause damage to the hair follicles, which then leads to hair fall. This condition could be brought about due to several reasons, some of which are; poor diet, unhygienic scalp conditions, stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance and so on. Although dandruff cannot be cured totally, the condition can be controlled by following a few simple home remedies.

Mix a teaspoon each of olive oil and almond oil. Warm this mixture for minute or two on a low fire. This should then be massaged into the scalp for a few minutes. Once you start experiencing a burning sensation rinse the application off with lukewarm water. Fenugreek seeds are also effective when it comes to treating this condition. Soak 2 tablespoons of these seeds in a bowl of water overnight. The next morning grind the seeds into a thin paste, followed by an application to your scalp. Rinse the paste off after about half an hour. Another home remedy that has found to yield positive results, is a mixture made from 2 tablespoons of green gram powder and a cup of yogurt. This mixture should be massaged into the scalp twice a week. Let the application stay for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with some warm water.

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 5-6 tablespoons of warm water. Apply this solution on your scalp (at bedtime) and then cover your head with a cloth. The application has to be left overnight and should be rinsed of the next morning. Combine black pepper (3 grams) and coconut oil (300 grams) and massage this mixture into your scalp. This should be left on overnight as well, and rinsed off the following morning. Chop a lemon peel and soak the pieces in 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil. Leave the mixture aside for a week after which strain the oil into a bowl. Application of this oil will also help in preventing dandruff.

answered by G M

There are some aspects to consider before you try to control dandruff like the amount of sebum that is being secreted from your scalp, the amount of exposure to the hot sun that ypur scalp is enduring, and if you are experiencing any hair loss. These aspects will then dictate the type of shampoo that you use, the diet you should ideally follow, and a moderate change in lifestyle.

Dandruff occurs when the sebum of the skin, which is the oily substance that you can often find in your forehead or the tip of your nose, is secreted in such huge quantities that it causes the growth of a type of fungus in the skin. Usually, when sebum is secreted in normal quantities, it is absorbed by the hair and moves up the hair as a protective film. Eventually, it dries and falls off in microscopic quantities. When the sebum is secreted in very high quantities, the normal dissipation process does not rid the sebum fast enough. This is when a fungus takes hold and the sebum becomes their staple diet. The sebum then dries up and forms the flakes that start to fall off visibly. This is where the use of a good antidandruff shampoo comes in. Use a formulation that contains zinc pyrithione or selenium sulfide, which can eliminate the growth of fungi. The next step is to reduce the amount of sebum being produced. Sebum production occurs in the sebaceous glands of the skin at the base of each pore in your skin. When you are in an environment that is hot and dry, you sweat more from your scalp and this brings up sebum in copious quantities. To reduce this, stay out of the hot sun, especially during the hottest periods of the day. In addition, oil your hair and scalp with olive oil as the use of this oil will stop drying out of the scalp and the body will not create as much sebum if there is already oil existing in your scalp.

The final step in treating dandruff is a moderate change in the diet to cut back on high fat foods. The reason for this is the chemical composition of sebum that is high in triglycerides and fatty acids. Both of these are products of digested fat so the first obvious change to make to your diet is cutting back on very oily food and fatty food. Stick to a carbohydrate and protein rich diet for a few weeks to see the effects.

answered by G M

Dandruff is caused when excessive shedding of dead skin cells occurs from the scalp. This condition is normal and occurs to some extent in everyone but some people may experience advanced symptoms like soreness and itching on the scalp. The dandruff scales usually fall like snowflakes when you comb your hair but they could also form as a crust on your scalp. Ensure that you use a shampoo specifically designed for dandruff. Heat some virgin olive oil and massage it onto your scalp. You should then brush your hair with a brush to loosen the dandruff. This is also an excellent remedy for a dry scalp which is the primary cause of dandruff. Rinse your hair with a solution made from the thyme herb. You should boil four tablespoons of dried thyme in two cups of water for 8-10 minutes. Once you strain and cool this, massage it into your hair.

You should also ensure that your condition is actually dandruff and not a flakiness that is caused by using hair cosmetics. To combat this condition, you should first stop using the hair gel or the spray that is causing it. You should also ensure that you wash off all traces of the cosmetics by shampooing regularly with a special dandruff shampoo. If these remedies do not stop the flaking or if itchiness persists, you should consult your doctor.

answered by G M

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