I recently started taking Topamax. I get lots of pimples on my head and a dry scalp. what can I do to stop this? I've tried many shampoos and nothing seems to work.

Either you have always had the issue of a dry scalp and acne or if its a recent development or a new phenomenon that you have discovered off late, then you can attribute it as a side-effect of the prescribed drug you are currently taking. However in the former scenario, a potion made from dried thyme is trusted to be blessed with medicinal attributes that works wonders for the scalp.

Take two cups of water and add to it four large tablespoonfuls of dried thyme to it. Boil this mix for around ten minutes. Strain the decoct and let the potion cool. After you have washed your hair and rinsed it with water use half a cup of the prepared thyme-tea and massage it well in your scalp, while your hair is still wet. The remaining tea can be stored in the refrigerator for later rinses. Please note to test this tea for allergy before you use it on your scalp. The above preparation is mainly safe for all, but a little quantity tested in the inside of your arm should quell all doubts.

In addition please remember to wash and clean the hair-brush or your comb as frequently as possible to prevent recurrence, since the scalp condition may come back with using unwashed hair combs.

answered by C B

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