What is it called when your eyes get red and irritated, and leaks goopy.

Red, irritated and goopy eyes could be a symptom of many things. It could mean your eyes are overly dry and dehydrated, or that you have an eye cyst, or even conjunctivitis. In all cases, you can follow some easy home remedies to rid yourself of the problem. You should start by washing your eyes every other hour or so. Use plain, chilled tap water. You can use a ball of cotton to gently cleanse your eyes by squeezing water into them and letting it run down on the sides. Remember to discard the cotton once it touches your eye and get a fresh one. If you use the same one, and you have an infection, you will only keep re-infecting your eyes.

Water your eyes regularly with rose water. This will help avoid dryness and provide relief from the irritation as well. You can also make a concoction of boiled coriander leaves. Boil a few coriander leaves in a cup of water till it turns yellow in color. Strain, store and use this to wash eyes every four hours or so. This will help in reducing the temperature of your eyes. For the goopy deposits, use Euphrasia, a homeopathic medication. This is highly effective in reducing the emissions and will also help with healing. You can also wash your eyes with a saline solution. This will help to sanitize your eyes and provide comfort.

answered by G R

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