My child is allergic to milk products. He is 10 mnoths now. What can I do?

Milk is very important for infants and young children and provides required quantities of calcium and vitamin D. Hence, milk is essential for the growth and development of children and can cause serious health problems for them if they do not consume enough milk. From birth, a child drinks either its mother’s milk or other forms of milk such as formula. However, sometimes an infant may develop a problem with the milk that they are being fed. If your child shows signs of a milk allergy, you must take measures to ensure so that your baby is not adversely affected.

If children are breast-fed, they are less likely to develop allergies. Often the foods that the mother consumes can cause problems for the baby so if your baby seems to react badly to your milk, you should change her diet. Ensure that you avoid foods that produce gas and avoid all dairy and soy protein foods. You should also experiment with your diet to identify the foods which may be irritating your baby and causing the allergy. If these methods do not relieve the symptoms of the milk allergy, consult your pediatrician and consider feeding your baby formula.

Most children who develop a milk allergy get it only in their first year. The majority of children usually outgrow this allergy and do not carry it into adulthood. However, even if your child retains the allergy as an adult, she is still unlikely to need a milk-free diet.

answered by G M

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