I have increased hair growth on my face & body, my upper body parts & stomach. I also have stretch marks on my buttox & dark skin in my armpits & just below my buttox & upper inner thig.

Stretch marks occur when the skin has been pulled apart by drastic changes such as pregnancy, obesity, and losing a large amount of weight. These marks occur in the dermis layer of the skin, which allows it to maintain its natural shape. If constantly stretched, the dermis breaks down leaving and causes red or purple scars to appear. Over a period of time, these scars become soft skin that looks as if it is streaked white. To remove stretch marks completely, only surgical options are available and you should consult your doctor for more information. Massage cocoa butter onto the marks because both the cocoa butter and the massaging action are known to have a beneficial effect on lightening these marks. Rubbing olive oil, aloe vera gel, and vitamin E on the stretch marks can help make them less noticeable. In addition, your doctor can prescribe medicated ointments to lessen or lighten your stretch marks.

You may have dark skin on your buttocks and upper inner thigh if you are overweight. If your thighs are constantly rubbing against each other, the skin is likely to become much darker than anywhere on your body. You should attempt to lose weight and minimise the contact between your thighs while any physical activity by wearing long clothing. To remove hair from your face, you should mix an egg white with a little sugar and cornflour until it becomes sticky. Apply this mixture to your face and peel it off gently when it dries. You can also make a solution with the juice of half a lemon, 3 tablespoons of honey, and one cup of sugar. Heat these ingredients until they become thick and smooth. Dust the area from which you want to remove the hair with flour, apply the solution in the direction of the hair growth, cover it with a strip of cloth, and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Finally, you can also use methods like tweezing and bleaching the hair on your face and body.

answered by G M

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