Is anal tag a serious disease?

Anal tag is not a disease. It is a shapeless flap of skin situated at the opening of the anus. Anal tags are usually formed because of previous anorectic injury or due to an external hemorrhoid which has been left untreated. Skin tags are also formed if there are swollen skin edges that have developed due to previous rectal surgery. These anal tags are usually painless. If they are causing pain, then it could be due to some rectal condition and need to be checked by a doctor.

If you are suffering from anal tags, cleanliness is a big cause for concern. Chances of fecal debris getting trapped under the tag are very high. This in turn leads to itching, making an already bad situation worse. Since most of the time, anal tags are the remains of a previous rectal surgery or injury, they are generally asymptotic. But when itching, pain, and hygienic issues develop, the anal tags become symptomatic and need to be removed. For small tags, surgically removing the tag by applying local anesthetic is enough. But for bigger or multiple anal tags, laser has become the favored treatment. Laser not only removes the anal tags but also resurfaces the anal area to avoid any further growth of anal tags.

answered by G M

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