Can you give me meal planning of anemic & nephritic patient? I'm student & I want this meal planning because I'm very confused in this calculation.

The main reason for nephritic syndrome is damaged kidneys. The damaged kidneys lead to various symptoms like swelling of the body, fever, shortness of breath, an increase in weight, puffiness of eyelids and anemia. If you have not already visited a doctor to discuss your condition, then you should certainly do so.

You should eat a regulated diet and try to avoid eating food that has a high salt content. You should also avoid eating butter since it contains saturated fats. You should eat food that is high in protein content. You should certainly include various vegetables that are a rich source of protein, along with fish and soy products. Raisins, yogurt, baked potato, lima beans are some of the products that are rich in potassium. These should also be included in your daily intake.

For your anemia, an iron rich diet is the best thing. Also ensure that your diet includes folic acid and contains food that has high fiber content. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also eat dried peas, nuts and enriched cereal on a regular basis. Avoid eating tea and coffee. When you cook your food, do so in an iron pot. Eating lean meat and drinking plenty of orange juice will also help you.

answered by G M

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