For how many days chicken pox remains contagious??

Chicken pox advice

Chicken pox is a contagious disease and can last on a large scale of ten to twenty one days. But depending on the severity on an average it takes at least fourteen to seventeen days for them to completely heal. Chicken pox remains contagious for others for up to seven days after the appearance of the first blister. The most contagious period is the day before and first few days after the rashes appear. It would be wise to rest at home for at least 5 after the rash first appears to avoid its spreading. Take plenty of rest and boost your immune system with a balanced diet which includes variety of nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E (include foods like papaya, mango, guava, orange, pumpkin, dark green leafy vegetables and sprouts). Drink loads of water to avoid dehydration, as high fever is a common symptom associated with chicken pox. Also don't scratch the blisters as this can leave dark scars behind.

Here are more home remedies for chicken pox.

answered by Dr S

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