If a toddler has fallen out the bed and received a black eye. Suggest some remedies.

Any injury in an infant/toddler should be taken very seriously. This is especially true for injuries involving the eyes. A black eye is the result of extensive clotting and this would signify that the area surrounding the eye is injured and the tissue is bruised. This indicates that there is a possibility that the eye itself could have sustained damage as well. A black eye is more often than not a minor injury but it would be best to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible as he/she will be able to examine your child's eye and prescribe eye drops or medication if necessary.

In case the bruising is slight, you can apply a cold compress to the injured eye for about 5 minutes every hour for the first day. This will help the swelling (if any) to subside. Make sure that you do not apply the ice directly to the eye as the skin around the eye is extremely delicate and this can cause further harm. On the second day, follow the same routine, but this time use a warm compress instead of the cold one. The warm compress will help to reduce the discoloration. Make sure that you do not give your child any over the counter medications.

answered by G M

A black eye is itself a rather minor problem - it is essentially a bruise, and will heal on its own like any other bruise. The problem is however that there is a danger of there having been other injury too. Whatever caused the black eye - in this case the fall - could have also caused injury to the eye itself. Since the patient in this case is a toddler, there is unlikely to be any communication or even recognition of problems with vision until they are more severe, by which time the damage may be irreversible. It is therefore a good idea to visit a doctor for a check up, just to be on the safe side.

A black eye is only bruising around the eye, and not an injury of the eye itself. Treatment mainly aims to reduce the swelling and provide some relief from the pain. A cold compress or even a warm compress will do both these things. You can use both, alternating between them, or use whichever one the child is more comfortable with. You can apply the compress for around 15 minutes at a time, as many times through the day as necessary. A slice of cucumber placed on the eye is also quite effective.

answered by G R

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