What is the best immediate remedy for contusion esp. for babies?

Cures for contusion in babies

A Contusion or a bruise is a common skin injury due to damage to the blood vessels under the surface of the skin. Caused due to small injuries in which the skin does not break but the blood capillaries do and thus blood escapes and gets trapped under the skin, a bruise or contusion is usually seen as a reddish-purplish mark on the skin. All children are susceptible to contusions especially if they are active and indulge in a lot of physical activity that leads to bumping and falling. However some with more sensitive skin are prone to easy bruising.

Contusion usually takes a few days to fade but application of ice or cold packs on the bruise helps to speed up the process and also provide relief to the slight pain. Severe bruising however can take up to a couple of months to heal and require regular application of tincture. There is no specific cure meant for children but there are several home remedies that you can help. You can also apply a home-made plaster made of fresh comfrey leaves or even cabbage leaves which help to reduce the inflammation and bruising. Parsley which is rich in Vitamins can be applied on the bruise to make the black and blue marks fade faster. Arnica and Calendula work miracles on contusions. Arnica can be applied to the bruised area as a tincture. Similarly calendula is also meant only for external application and can be applied on the bruise directly or after preparing a tea with it. If your child is very active and restless you can try these remedies when s/he is resting or at night so that they can have maximum effect.

answered by G M

Infant contusion remedies

The immediate remedy for contusion in babies would depend completely upon the age of the child who is suffering from the contusion. If the infant is newborn, then it must be stressed that you cannot try anything by yourself. In the case of any kind of contusion in a newborn baby, whatever has to be done must be done by a qualified paediatrician. If you take matters into your own hands at this stage, you may cause permanent damage to the child inadvertently. Any remedies that have to be followed must only be implemented in children after the age of one. It is extremely dangerous to do them before this time.

After the age of one, the best and most effective remedy for contusion is to apply the tincture of arnica to the bruised area. Arnica is an herbal remedy, and it is a very strong one that has almost instant results. Another remedy for contusions in children is the topical application of Rue Bitterwort. This is a homeopathic remedy that is also considered very useful in taking care of contusions. You can also apply a warm compress to the bruised area. Alternately, if there is swelling, a cool compress will also work very well, as it will also bring down the swelling.

answered by G R

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