I suffered premature ejaculation when I was about 20 year old and it was related to my own insecurity. I didn't feel secure of myself and became to worry about it and this end up not only in premature ejaculation but in impotence. Because the problem really is not premature ejaculation but the impotence that come after that. If a man is able to ejaculate and keep on with an erection there is no problem at all. This is not only in my case but I know men that can ejaculate and do not lose their erection and their partners do not complaint about premature ejaculation. Another factor that affected me was that I had different sexual partners and some of those ladies were very open and demanding, so this is not a good situation for a man. My premature ejaculation and impotence finished after a while because all was in my mind. When I felt that I was able to produce pleasure in a woman then I was healed. One way to help your husband is not pushing him to give you pleasure, I would suggest even fake a quick orgasm before he ejaculate; the idea is to make him feel he is able to make you cum. Try this and do not tell him that he is not doing a good job, even if after that you go and use your vibrator to finish yourself.
Being only with one sexual partner is one of the best way to be healed from premature ejaculation.
The people from china are very wise. They said that if a man likes to much certain woman he will be more inclined to have premature ejaculations. This makes sense, even though I prefer to be with a woman that I like very much and find another solution to my problem.
I like your attitude of helping your husband, I really would appreciate a woman like you.
answered by J