Detox body methods

How do you get toxins out of the body?

You can follow a simple diet in order to get all toxins out of your body and cleanse your system completely. This would involve fasting fro three days and staying on a limited diet. Although it will be very tough, the results will be well worth it. The added bonus is that you could also lose up to five pounds of weight in this much time. Begin all your days with two glasses of hot water to which half a lime and a teaspoon of honey has been added. On the first day, eat only raw fresh fruit and drink only fresh fruit juice. You can have a tall glass of juice every two hours, or eat two fruits every two hours. If you are hungrier, you can increase your intake as well. Drink as much water as you can all day. Do remember that for the first time you follow this diet, you may experience headaches. This is common and nothing to get unduly alarmed about.

On day two, you must eat uncooked, unprocessed fruits and vegetables all day. You would feel better if you ate fruits that are fleshy, such as bananas, apples, papayas, sweet oranges, water melon, musk melon and peaches. Stay away from citrus fruits as they may add to your acidity. Once again, follow the same rule of eating a maximum of two fruits every two hours. You can start with intake of proper food on the third day. Start with vegetable protein such as lentil and bean soups, and ensure that they are thoroughly cooked. Around evening on the third day, you can start eating grains. Begin with boiled rice, as this is the lightest on your system. If you follow this diet properly, you can start eating normally on the fourth day.

answered by M W

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