What to use for yeast infection and strong urine?

If you are facing the dual problem of urinary tract infection (UTI) and excretion of strong urine, then you have a single remedy that can take care of both issues at once. The best thing to do is drink between 10 and 15 litres of water on a daily basis. This will ensure that your urine is expelled as diluted as is possible. The final test for this is to check your urine towards evening. It will be clear and odourless. One of the things that will help to remove the "strong-ness" from your urine is if you eat at least three to five whole white radishes before sunset for a few days. Due to this, initially your urine will come out strong smelling, but it will clear up in as less as a day.

In order to take care of your UTI, you can drink at least 10 glasses of cranberry juice in a day. Parsley is another product that is useful in fighting infections. Though it is not as effective as cranberries, it will help you, since it contains certain chemicals that are known to fight fungal infections. You can make a strong tea with parsley leaves and drink this for best results.

answered by M W

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