Staying warm tips

Some people do feel the cold much more than others. You could be one of those people. You should try the usual methods to get warm and stay that way. Ensure that you are well wrapped at all times. Wear thick socks on your feet and good shoes. You should also try to dress in layers of warm clothing since this will help you feel warmer. Your ears and head should always be protected with a warm hat or a good muffler.

In addition to this you should also ensure that you eat hot food at all times. Avoid eating ice creams or drinking cold drinks. Soup and hot herbal tea is something that you should drink.

If you are underweight or malnourished, your constant feeling of the cold could be related to that. You should eat healthy, balanced meals and ensure that you eat them at regular intervals. Long gaps between meals will play havoc with your stomach and your body. Eat eggs, fish and lean meat. Drink warm milk at bedtime and ensure that you eat fruits like banana, apples and papaya in your diet. Eat dates and raisins on a regular basis. Spinach, beans of all kinds and nuts should all feature in your diet.

answered by G R

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