Eye redness and swollen eye causes, and natural remedies

How to relieve swelling and redness in your eye?

There could be a variety of reasons to explain the swelling and redness of your eyes. If you have been bitten by an insect this could result in swelling and a corresponding redness of the eyes. Sometimes exposure to the elements can also cause our eyes to develop redness and swelling. An eye infection is another possible explanation for the symptoms you have described. If you have been suffering from these symptoms for some time now, it is advisable to consult a doctor who can ascertain the actual cause of the swelling and redness.

You should ensure that you don't touch your eyes frequently. Wash your hands before you touch them, in order to prevent any infection. You can also heat some water and use a clean cotton swab to clean the eyes. Do this as often as possible since this will give your eyes much needed relief. Another easy remedy that you can try is using cold water compress on your eyes. Lie down and dip a clean handkerchief in a bowl of cold water. Lay the handkerchief on your closed eyes. You can also use ice cubes tied up in a clean cloth on your eyes. Avoid using eye make up since this will only aggravate the swelling and could increase the redness.

answered by G R

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