Vaginitis is a bacterial infection caused in the vaginal area. This is caused due an imbalance of the natural levels of bacteria present in the vagina causing the bacteria to grow out of control and hence cause symptoms like vaginal discharge and odor. The cause of vaginitis is often due to a bacterial infection, allergies to deodorants, tampons, antibiotics and even a fluctuation in the hormone or estrogen levels in a woman's body. The infection thus results in the inflammation of the area and a feeling of discomfort. This sometimes accompanied by itching.
Vinegar has been used in the past to fight off bacterial infections due to high acidic content. The high acidic content basically helps restore the natural ph levels of the body and allows the body to fight off the infection it self. The use of Epsom salt has also been known to fight off bacterial infection. However the results depend and vary from person to person and also on the severity of the infection. The best Way to help treat and prevent vaginitis is to maintain proper hygiene and wear clean cotton undergarments. Do not douch as it disrupts the natural balance of the bacteria in the vaginal passage and can cause an infection. Cranberry juice or on a ill form has also been effective in balancing out bacterial levels and in helping flush out toxins from the body.
answered by G R