Toenail fungus or onychomycosis is a common condition that can disfigure and destroy the nail. The condition may be caused by one of the many types of fungi that thrive in moist warm environments as in your shoes. These fungi generally are part of the group of fungi known as dermatophytes. As their growth progresses they invade and begin to feed on the keratin, that forms the hard surface of your toenails.
Toenail fungus can be treated quite effectively at home itself. Allow your feet to soak in a tub of warm water to which you should add a little Epsom salt. This is known to be quite effective against almost any fungal infection. Allow your feet to soak for around fifteen minutes or so, after which you can gently clean the infected toe and surrounding skin with a soft brush. The fungus can also attach itself very easily to skin that is bruised or damaged even slightly. For this reason avoid using a hard brush. Soaking the infected toe in cup filled with vinegar should also help. Vinegar, because of its acidic nature, is quite effective in destroying bacteria and fungus. Try to use an antifungal powders as they not only fight the infection but also prevent the fungus from spreading.
answered by M W