What is the treatment for MSRA for children age 2 and under?

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is an infection caused by the staphylococcus bacteria. This bacterial strain is resistant to a lot of antibiotics and therefore is very difficult to treat completely. More often than not, draining of the skin infection and pustule is the only way to remedy this condition.

Staphylococcus aureus is a very common type of bacteria. This strain is commonly found on the surface of the skin as well as the nasal passages. For a person with a healthy immunity, the bacteria are not able to invade the skin and cause any health condition. However, if there is a cut on the skin and the person’s immunity is low, the bacteria may enter the blood stream, causing staph infections.

The bacteria can also enter the body through a sore, a breathing tube, or even with a catheter. The infection is often local and minor. It could manifest in the form of a small pimple or even larger pustules on the face. Sometimes, the condition may become more complicated, involving the blood and the bones. The manifestation of a complicated MSRA infection may be different than the simple staph infections.

For most MSRA infections, you may have to get admitted into a hospital. There are many different antibiotics that may be used for MRSA treatment in children. MRSA skin infection treatment may be approached by giving the antibiotics directly into the blood through an intravenous catheter.

answered by A S

How contagious is MRSA staph infection? How does staph infection spread?   

MSRA infection is contagious and can spread very quickly from one person to another. However, close personal contact may not always transmit the bacteria from one person to another. There are a lot of factors that increase your likelihood of getting an MRSA infection. Some of these factors include consumption of certain medications or foods, proneness to other infections, low immunity, a history of staph infections, amount of exposure to the bacteria, stress, the route of exposure to the infection, and your overall health.

A lot of people carry staph infections without experiencing any symptoms of the infection. Since they do not have knowledge of carrying this infection, such carriers can easily pass the infection to others. The bacteria can live on inanimate objects in your home as well. Surfaces of tables, toys, door knobs, and pieces of furniture often have the bacteria living on them. When these surfaces come in contact with a cut or an opening in the skin, the bacteria can enter into the skin.

This is one of the most common causes of staph infection spreading from one person to another. Staph infection could also pass through the air, the dust and other particulate matter in the atmosphere. Those who live or work close to infected persons are more prone to developing MRSA infections through this mode of transmission.

answered by M W

Can mrsa cause boils? Cures for MRSA infection?    

Yes MRSA can cause boils on the skin. The condition is usually very infectious and patients are usually treated with antibiotics. Sometimes, the boils may also have to be drained surgically to treat it. If you are planning to get some home treatment for this condition, you can start off with consuming certain foods that will help prevent the spread of this infection. Consuming white flour can help acidify the blood. This prevents the bacteria from multiplying in the blood stream and also helps prevent further infections.

Turmeric is another remedy for MRSA. Known to be one of the best natural cures for MRSA, turmeric can be consumed with lukewarm water or a glass of warm milk. Turmeric is largely an antibacterial and antiseptic remedy, and since the chief cause of skin boils is bacterial, turmeric can be really helpful.

Another remedy for this condition is garlic. You can consume garlic supplements to help contain the growth of bacteria in your blood. If you are not able to find garlic supplements, you can consume some cloves of garlic with lukewarm water twice a day. You can also consume crushed garlic with some warm hydrogenated fat. There is a possibility that you will not like the taste of this, nevertheless it is a very effective medicine.

answered by S S

What are the signs and remedies of MRSA skin infection?    

The signs of MRSA are not always easy to identify. However, there are certain MRSA signs and symptoms that can point out the possibility of an infection. The first symptom is cellulitis in which the skin and fat under the epidermis becomes infected and swells up. This may appear as small red colored bumps on the skin at first. However, they soon convert into large pus filled boils and abscesses. The pus may begin to collect under the skin. A sty may also begin to form on the eyes. While a sty may be completely harmless, when it occurs persistently, it could be a sign of MRSA.

Carbuncles, which are larger than an abscess, may begin to form and the person may suffer from ashes and impetigo. Among the MRSA home remedies are garlic supplements and turmeric. Both of these have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These can detoxify the blood help contain bacterial growth in order to get rid of the symptoms.

Some people find immediate relief with turmeric, while others feel more comfortable with garlic. However, if you do not experience any change in symptoms, you may have to get medical treatment. Hospitalization for intravenous administration of antibiotics is one of the best treatments for this condition.

answered by G R

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