Acute shoulder muscle pain, Cause of shoulder pain, Shoulder bursitis pain and natural cures

Never had shoulder pain before. For about a month now I have severe pain and notice that my shoulder clicks now & often, never did that before, I even have some tingling down to my wrist sometimes, I'm not aware of hurting it so I have no clue

Shoulder pain is a very normal occurrence that is highly common and more often than not is due to over use of the muscle and is generally not chronic and harmless. However there may be also many other reasons for the shoulder pain and the best and most effective solution is to contact you're doctor in order to diagnose the exact cause of the shoulder pain. Some of the common causes of shoulder pain are as follows.

Bursitis or Tendonitis of the rotar cuff. The next one is tearing of the rotar cuff. This happens when the tendons of the rotar cuff start to detach from the bone (for this surgery is the only possible solution). Another common cause of shoulder pain is 'Frozen shoulder' and is also known as adhesive capulitris, and this leads to stiffness of the joints. The shoulder pain you experience could be caused by any one of the reasons and the most advisable thing to do is consult a doctor in order to know the exact cause of your problem.

Here are some general treatment options that you can use in order to help relive your symptoms. The first and most important thing is rest. This allows the joint to recoup and the amount of inflammation effectively reduces, thus reducing the amount of pain caused. However do not rest the shoulder too much as it can lead to 'frozen shoulder' the next most common remedy is the use of heat and cold to treat yourself. Start of first for a few days with the application of an ice pack and then continue with the use of a heat pack in the following days. Do each of them separately (first cold therapy for a few days and then heat therapy for a few days) regularly in the day. Another thing you ca try is stretching the muscle and tendons that surround the joint. This helps work the muscle and helps keep the joint active. Avoid overstrain in these cases. The other remedy that you can us is physical therapy. With the help of a physical therapist you can and will be able to increase shoulder strength, establish smooth mobility and help the patient return to a normal state.

answered by G R

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