Treating chigger bites, Chigger bite cures and home remedy

How to treat chigger bites?

Like all other insects, chiggers will bite and their bites will lead to itchiness, scratching, redness, swelling and in some extreme cases if neglected, they will also get infected. Your best bet is to take car of them at once, so as to avoid infection due to the bite being neglected. One of the best and most effective remedies for taking care of chigger bites is tea tree oil. Make a mix of half tea tree oil and half olive oil and store this. As soon as you get chigger bites, dab this mixture to the bites. You will be amazed at the miraculous reaction within as little as a few hours. The redness will vanish, as will the welts, and you will not feel any pain or discomfort at all. Tea tree oil is an excellent anti septic as well as an anti fungal product. Since it is natural, there are no harmful side effects attached to this either, so it can not only be used fearlessly, it can also be used as often as you want to use it.

An alternative to tea tree oil is camphor water. You can make your own by crushing 100 grams of camphor and 200 grams of water. Let this dissolve and leave it for a couple of days before trying it out. This will also help you to soothe the bites. You can also do a hydrogen peroxide rinse to sanitize your skin and treat chigger bites simultaneously. The hydrogen peroxide will soothe the bitten area and its anti septic properties will sanitize your skin. Just apply it to bites and wash it off after five minutes. This will also ensure that you don't have any further itching, as hydrogen peroxide has some properties that will take care of that problem as well.

answered by G M

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