Cool your Body

Could you suggest me some remedies to keep my body cool in the summer?

With rising temperatures in summer, it is necessary to find ways to keep our bodies cool and protected from the heat. Spend as much time indoors during the day especially during the afternoon when it is hottest. In addition to this, wear loose fitting clothes made out of thin natural materials as these will readily absorb excess perspiration. The body perspires more in summer and this is our natural defense against the heat and so it is important to provide your body with adequate fluids. Drink plenty of fruit juices and make sure that you drink an adequate amount of water.

There are also a few tips that you can use to keep you body cool this summer. Do not go in for repeated warm showers as the excess washing can cause your skin to dry up and itch. Instead go in for several cold water rinses throughout the day to beat the heat. Have a cold water shower once or twice a day or pamper yourself with a short cold water soak. While a cold water shower helps to cool down your skin, a cold water soak is very effective in cooling the entire body and bringing down your core temperature.

Blend 2 or 3 cucumbers with their peels and mix the blended cucumber paste with a small quantity of fuller’s earth so that you have a watery mixture. Apply this paste to your entire body and allow it to dry completely before rinsing it off with cold water. This is a cooling body pack that will help to cool and nourish your skin. In addition to this, the fuller’s earth will help to unclog skin pores and this will help to keep your skin smooth and blemish-free.

Mix equal quantities of carrot juice and cold water and soak a thin strip of linen in this liquid. Lie on your chest and place this linen around your neck. This produces an immediate but lasting cooling effect.

If you have long hair, you can mix equal quantities of rose water and cucumber juice and apply it to your scalp with the help of a cotton ball. This will help to cool your scalp. You can also sit below a fan to increase the speed at which this liquid dries and consequently increase the cooling effects.

Mix a few ice cubes in a mug of water and use this as your last rinse when washing your face. This will also help to close your pores and tighten your skin.

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