what to do about heartburn?

Heartburn is the deep burning sensation that is felt just below the breastbone and in the esophagus. This burning pain is cause by the regurgitation of the gastric acid from the stomach up towards the esophagus.

Home Remedies for Heartburn

Since heartburn is caused by the backing-up of gastric acids, you should avoid certain foods that require excessive amounts of acid for their digestion. Avoid meats like ground beef and marbled sirloin and instead have small moderate quantities of skinned chicken wings and fish. Several fats and sweets like high-fat butter cookies, salad dressings, Chocolate, chips, doughnuts and fried junk food often cause heartburn. Although it is advisable to include plenty of fruits and fruit juices in your diet, it would be wise to avoid citrus fruit juices as well as cranberry juice, grapefruit juice and tomato juice. Avoid large quantities of white flour products especially sweet creamy bakery products. Caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea as well as dairy products like sour cream and milk shake often trigger heartburn. Avoid liquor and wine completely as liquor is considered to be one of the most common causes of heartburn.

There are also certain foods that you should include in your daily meals to ensure minimal risk of heartburn. Multi-grain bread and multi-grain flour products are superior in nutrient value to their white counterparts. In addition to this, these products have been seen to have a low potential for heartburn. Cereal, oatmeal, bran and brown rice have been observed to have a positive results and inclusion of these foods greatly reduces the risk of heartburn. Include at least one serving of fresh fruits daily. Apples and bananas are considered to be among the best options along with watermelon and dried figs. Vegetables like cabbage, carrots, peas and broccoli should be included in every meal. Rice puddings are a suitable dessert for people suffering from heartburn. It is also important to drink an adequate amount of water daily. Drink small amounts of water on a regular basis, to dilute and flush out excess gastric juices.

In addition to these dietary measures, you can take a few preventative steps to avoid heartburn. Make sure that you do not have large meals as larger quantities of food require more acid for digestion. Have several small meals throughout the day and make sure that there is at least a 2 hour gap between your meals. Your last meal of the day should be had at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Go for a short leisurely stroll after your night meal as this will aid digestion and prevent heartburn. Place a thick rug below your mattress such that your entire mattress from the waist upwards is at an angle. Since the upper part of your body is elevated, there is a reduced chance of the gastric acids backing-up.

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