Is there a home remedy for static cling?

In order to figure out a home remedy for static cling, it is essential to understand what it is and how it works. Basically, static cling occurs when there is enough dryness in the air as well as your body to start generating static electricity. The cling occurs when your clothes and your body have opposite charge - one is positively charged with the static electricity and the other is negatively charged. This is when they stick together as one, because the opposite charges attract each other. This mostly happens when you are wearing the kind of clothes which have the capacity to generate a static charge when rubbed. The best examples of this kind would be woolens and synthetics. Even plastic is one such substance, so you will notice that plastic combs and brushes will cling to your hair sometimes. There are also times when the generated charge is so high that there are some sparks generated as well.

The best home remedy for avoiding static cling is ensuring that the surface of your body does not remain dry enough to generate static. Keep your skin suitably moisturized at all times. This will make a solid and noticeable difference. If you have long hair, try to keep it restrained, as hair generally has a tendency to create a great deal of static. It would also be a good idea to keep your hair well and suitable moisturized and conditioned to prevent it from generating static. You can apply hair oil to your hair a couple of time a week to achieve this. You should also stop using plastic combs and brushes in your hair, as this will always increases dryness and resultant static. Another way of neutralizing the sparks would be to simply rub your hand over the area, palm down. Do this often and repeatedly and you will see that the cling is virtually gone.

answered by G M

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