Poison ivy removal and cures

I have poison ivy in between my Toes, Help?

Poison ivy is considered to be one of the most uncomfortable kinds of infestations. If touched, it can cause horrible itching and rashes. In extreme cases, the rashes can also ooze white fluid or blood. Most of the time, these rashes last between a week or a month, depending upon how severe they are and what kind of resistance your body has against them. About poison ivy, it is believed that repeated exposure can increase your immunity to it. It is also interesting to note that those who are severely allergic to poison ivy may also have an allergy to mangoes, as both plants come from the same family.

Sadly, there is no guaranteed or fool proof treatment available for poison ivy. There are merely ways you can get some relief from the terrible itching that will plague you till the infection settles down and goes. The best thing to do is to apply ice packs on the affected area. In your case, you can soak your feet in ice water and this will help to momentarily numb the itching. If you add a bit of salt to the water, it will relieve you for a longer time. But you would need to be careful - salt does not agree with everyone and may serve to aggravate the itching in some cases. Make a paste of sandalwood and rose water and apply this to your feet. This will help to cool the area as well as control the itching for quite a while. Sandalwood also has healing properties which will work towards healing you more quickly. You can also get Fuller's Earth and apply this to your feet. It will draw out the itching and will help to heal your feet considerably quickly. Alternately, you can make dough with whole wheat flour and apply this to your feet for the same effect.

answered by G M

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