How to cure my dark underarms?

Most people experience dark skin in the armpit area and even after repeated cleaning, the dark skin tone does not seem to go away. There are a number of reasons for the presence of dark skin in the underarms and it is always advisable to get a doctor's opinion before you seek to lighten the skin on your own. A number of medical conditions are responsible for the appearance of dark skin around the underarms; a number of lifestyle factors can also contribute to the condition.

If you are in the habit of wearing tight clothes or removing the hair from the area through the use of razor blades, it can lead to an uneven skin tone in the armpits. Tight clothes cause the skin to rub against the fabric thus creating skin irritation and over a period of time leading to dark skin. Shaving the armpits is also known to cause dark skin around the armpits; this is due to the fact that while shaving, only the hair that is above the hair follicles is removed. The hair follicles beneath the skin lead to ingrown hair that is usually observed from the outside, giving off the appearance of darkened skin. Moreover certain razor blades or shaving creams can cause an adverse reaction to the delicate skin area at the armpits. Sometimes the use of certain deodorants, cosmetic applications or perfumes can also cause the skin to darken in the armpits.

If none of these conditions are believed to cause the skin darkening, it is possible that you must be experiencing a medical condition causing the hyper pigmentation. One such medical condition is known as acanthosis nigricans, which is a skin disease, characterized by dark wart like patches in the body folds, and can be either benign or malignant in nature.

Being overweight can also cause skin darkening around the armpits when higher levels of insulin are produced in people with diabetes or insulin regulation disorders. Such conditions cause dry skin and lead to pigmentation. In either case, it is advisable to visit your general practitioner for correct diagnosis and the right way to treat the condition, instead of treating only the darkened skin area. If you are experiencing excessive weight problems, the doctor would advise you on diets or weight loss programs and also prescribe medication to help lower the insulin level.

Once your doctor has realized the cause of the dark patches, you may be required to use topical applications in addition to your primary medication to treat the condition. Seek the advice of the dermatologist to understand the dosage and the duration of the treatment.

answered by G M

Darkening of the underarm skin is a common problem. This unsightly condition is generally caused by shaving. Since shaving doe not remove the hair from its roots but merely cuts it of above the skin, the dark thick strands below the surface of your skin make the area seem darker. Waxing removes the hair right from its roots and so there is no hair under the surface of the skin. This completely eliminates the usual shadow caused by shaving. You can wax your underarms on a regular basis to ensure that your underarm skin remains light. The only hitch here is that you will have to wait until your hair has grown back sufficiently before you can wax it again. Most women avoid sleeveless shirts during this time. However, if you wish to wear sleeveless clothes regularly, you can buy an epilator. An epilator is an electric appliance that removes hair strands from their roots. The bonus in investing in an epilator is that you completely do away with the mess and hassle of sticky hot wax and washing cloth strips. Although you may be tempted to use a hair removal cream, I would not recommend it. Hair removal creams have all the problems of shaving as it does not remove the hair from its roots. In addition to this, they contain harsh chemicals that will definitely cause your skin to darken with repeated use. Constant friction will also cause your skin to darken, so it would be advisable to use tight blouses for shorter periods of time.

You can apply lemon juice to your underarms regularly to treat darkening. Lemon juice is a natural bleach and will help to lighten your skin colour. If the darkening is pronounced, I would suggest that you use baking soda instead of a deodorant.

answered by M W

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