Causes of frequent stomach pains

I would like to know more about gastric control and healthy diet. I am suffering from stomach pain for last 2 years. I don't have any bad habits and I am not having non-veg regularly. Please advice me

It is really sad that you have been suffering from stomach pain for two whole years. Did you consult a doctor about your symptoms? If you have not I would urge you to do so at the earliest. Your medical practitioner will be able to help you with these symptoms. Symptoms like these recurring stomach pains that you have been experiencing should not be ignored for such a long time. They need to be brought to the notice of the doctor at the earliest since they could well be indicative of some other medical condition that requires immediate attention.

One of the primary reasons for trouble with the stomach is related to bowel movement. It is absolutely necessary, for the physical well being of our body, that we move our bowels every single day. If you are not in the habit of doing so, then this can lead to various problems. This can cause the frequent stomach pains. In order to address this problem, you should draw up a schedule and stick to it.

Constipation is a problem that most of us tend to overlook. However, this can be the beginning of several other more serious problems and so, should not be ignored. Constipation is caused by the kind of food that you eat. In order to have regular bowel movements you will have to ensure that your diet is rich in fiber. The easiest way to include a lot of fiber in your diet is by eating fruits and vegetables. Vegetables like radish are especially beneficial. Spinach is very good too so you should eat plenty of spinach and other green vegetables. Among the fruits eating bananas regularly will help you. These food items should replace any spicy or oily food that you eat regularly. Fruit and vegetable juices are also very beneficial in helping you feel better. You can drink a juice made of carrots, beetroots and cucumber every morning. In addition, you can also sip warm water during the day. In addition to this control over your diet you should also ensure that some kind of physical exercise is a regular part of your life. Ensure that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Very often tensions and stress can play havoc with our stomachs so if you are stressed you should explore ways to distress. This will help you be more at ease with yourself and also help you be healthier.

answered by S C

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