Dealing with Gastric Trouble: What kind of medicine and precautionary actions to be taken. What kind of food is better for me.

Gas can be formed due to any number of reasons starting from swallowing too much air to gas produced by intestinal bacteria, or it could simply be a byproduct of normal digestion. Passing gas between a few times to 40 times a day is quite normal, with the average number being about 15 times a day. The signs that the gas formation is not normal are smell, loud rumbling noise in the lower abdomen, and discomfort.

For a lot of us there are certain foods that we eat that result in excess or uncomfortable gas accumulation. In this article, we will discuss the foods to prevent gas and the various problematic foods to avoid, along with medical and precautionary actions to be taken in order to manage gastric trouble.

Gas Producing Foods to Avoid

Listed below are some foods that cause excess gas. These need to be avoided if you suffer from gastric trouble.

  • Any dairy product can produce a lot of gas, especially for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.
  • A high fiber diet can also produce a lot of gas and other gastric problems, especially if you have suddenly gone on a high fiber diet. High fiber containing fruits like apples, peaches, pears and apricots need to be avoided. Some of the high fiber vegetables to be avoided are carrots, onions and cabbages.
  • Dried fruits can also cause a lot of gas.
  • Any bean variety also needs to be avoided as they can result in excessive gas production.
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Candies containing sorbitol.
  • Chewing gum allows more air to be swallowed and thereby needs to be avoided to prevent excess gas formation.
  • Foods high in fructose and corn syrup can also cause excess gas production.

Food to Help with Gas

There are certain foods that people believed to actually help prevent gastric trouble; however, in many of these cases, there is not enough medical proof to substantiate that they do indeed work. Certain home remedies such as ginger, garlic are believed to be effective.

Home Remedies

Some of the best ways to prevent excessive gas or uncomfortable gas formation is by eating healthy food, avoiding foods that can give you gas, and exercising regularly. Most of the time, a good walk can take away most gastric problems.

However, if you find that you suffer from abnormally excessive gas, it is a good idea to consult a doctor as they will be able to prescribe the right medication or path of treatment for you.



answered by G R

If you have chronic gastric problems, it is in your best interest to seek out a health care practitioner who can test or arrange for testing for potential food allergies and sensitivities. The top ten foods which may cause food sensitivities are wheat, dairy, soy, citrus, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggs and peanuts. You may choose to eliminate one or more of these foods from your diet for 4-6 weeks, monitor your symptoms, and reintroduce the food.

There may be other aspects to your gastric problems which may be caused by low stomach acid, insufficient "friendly bacteria" for digestion,pancreatic deficiencies, small intestine, bowel, and/or immune system imbalances.A trained health care practitioner can help you identify these.

answered by Dr K B N

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