I Tried Once Using Cold Wax Which Resulted In Inner Growth Of Hair. Suggest Some Ways To Prevent The Occurrence Of Ingrowth Hair.

You are referring to what are commonly known as ingrowths. These are the commonest result of waxing, and it does not matter whether you are using cold wax of hot wax. In order to understand why this happens, it is important to understand how it happens. Typically, when we remove hair from any part of the body by means of forcing it out, what we are doing is removing it right from the root. In order to pull something out from its roots, it is essential that you pull it out in the direction of th4e hair growth. For example, if you want to uproot a shrub, you would pull it out upwards to remove the entire shrub. If you pulled it out sideways, you would typically end up breaking part of the roots and leaving them inside the ground. This is exactly the same thing that happens to your hair. If you try to pull it out in any direction other than the one in which the hair is growing, you end up leaving a bit of the hair and most of the root inside the skin. This is what leads to an ingrowth once the hair has been broken half way through its exit route; the skin quickly closes over the open hair pore. A fine membrane forms, this prevents any dirt or dust from getting into the open skin. This is the body's natural defense mechanism to help guard against infection of any sort.

In order to get rid of this, the first thing you should do is to exfoliate your skin regularly. This is particularly important for people who wax on a regular basis. Exfoliation will remove the membrane and open up the pore again to allow for normal growth of hair. You should try not to exfoliate for at least two days after you wax. And always make it a point to exfoliate a day before you wax. This way, your pores will be open and even smaller and finer hairs will be effectively removed from the roots. The next thing you should ensure is that you do not use any astringent or after shave lotion, as people are wont to do after you wax. This will close your pores tightly and give you more ingrowths. You should also make sure you always wax in the direction of the hair growth. This is basically the best way to prevent the occurrence of ingrowths altogether.

answered by M W

You are referring to what are commonly known as ingrowths. These are the commonest result of waxing, and it does not matter whether you are using cold wax of hot wax. In order to understand why this happens, it is important to understand how it happens. Typically, when we remove hair from any part of the body by means of forcing it out, what we are doing is removing it right from the root. In order to pull something out from its roots, it is essential that you pull it out in the direction of th4e hair growth. For example, if you want to uproot a shrub, you would pull it out upwards to remove the entire shrub. If you pulled it out sideways, you would typically end up breaking part of the roots and leaving them inside the ground. This is exactly the same thing that happens to your hair. If you try to pull it out in any direction other than the one in which the hair is growing, you end up leaving a bit of the hair and most of the root inside the skin. This is what leads to an ingrowth once the hair has been broken half way through its exit route; the skin quickly closes over the open hair pore. A fine membrane forms, this prevents any dirt or dust from getting into the open skin. This is the body's natural defense mechanism to help guard against infection of any sort.

In order to get rid of this, the first thing you should do is to exfoliate your skin regularly. This is particularly important for people who wax on a regular basis. Exfoliation will remove the membrane and open up the pore again to allow for normal growth of hair. You should try not to exfoliate for at least two days after you wax. And always make it a point to exfoliate a day before you wax. This way, your pores will be open and even smaller and finer hairs will be effectively removed from the roots. The next thing you should ensure is that you do not use any astringent or after shave lotion, as people are wont to do after you wax. This will close your pores tightly and give you more ingrowths. You should also make sure you always wax in the direction of the hair growth. This is basically the best way to prevent the occurrence of ingrowths altogether.

answered by M W

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