Can a diabetic have peanut butter and how much rice should I eat during meals? Also, since I'm a diabetic, what causes high potassium in my liver?

If you are diabetic, you should take care of your diet considerably. Diabetes is called "the rich man's" disease in medical parlance, and there is a reason for this. The cause of diabetes, apart from heredity, is not really eating too much of sweet stuff, as is popularly believed. On the contrary, it is eating improper and excessively rich food that causes diabetes. On a general basis, a diabetic who is not on insulin is allowed 2 tablespoons of any kind of oil per day. This would also include butter, the oil that is used for cooking and any oil that may be found in nuts. So, in your case, it would be all right to have a teaspoon of peanut butter. However, you cannot do this everyday, because while this quantity of peanut butter is fine to compensate fro your intake of oil and butter, you cannot discount the added calories and fats that you will also be adding to your diet. Peanut butter, which is made with butter, oil and peanuts, is actually not fat free. And as a diabetic, you would have to control your intake of fat content.

When it comes to eating rice, you should know that it is always better that you avoid eating rice altogether. This would be the most preferred course of action for you. Keep in mind that any indulgence is fine about once a month or so. But beyond that, it is not appropriate for you to indulge; otherwise your disease will simply spiral out of control. Rice is a simple carbohydrate. Per meal, you would normally be allowed two counts of carbohydrates, which also results in about 50 grams of carbohydrates. One cup of cooked rice is about 25 grams of carbohydrates, so you know that this is your acceptable limit. But the condition for eating rice is that you must not eat any other carbohydrates with it. So if you willing to forgo your regular amount of bread each day, you will find that two cups of rice are just about touching the borderline for your carbohydrate intake for each meal. Keep in mind that you would have to use measuring cups, and not tea or coffee cups. If you are troubled with high potassium in your liver, it is advisable for you to consult a doctor about this problem. Trying to figure it out and tackle it yourself may not always be the best solution.

answered by M W

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