I am 21 years old female suffering from dark color skin around the neck. Please suggest some home remedy?

Many people have problems with their complexion and the world's preference for a lighter complexion makes a lot of people resort to various measures to lighten their skin tone. You must remember that your skin tone is dictated by your genetic make-up and you can not really lighten your skin. However, sometimes other factors such as excessive exposure to the sun and pollution, consumption of certain medications containing steroids and certain skin conditions can cause the skin to darken. If your neck is dark just at the back, it could also be simple due to improper cleaning and build-up of dead skin at the back of your neck. In order to lighten your skin tone, you should take care to wash your neck properly daily. You should also scrub it using a loofah to get rid of the dead skin accumulated there. Avoid exposure to the sun and pollution, taking care to cover yourself properly when you step out especially in the afternoon.

Apart from this, you can profit from a number of simple home remedies prepared using ingredients from the kitchen and use them to gradually improve the tone of your skin over a period of time. A very good way to reduce the tan and bring a natural glow to your face is application of a pack prepared with 1 teaspoon milk powder, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and ½ teaspoon almond oil. You should apply this on your face and neck, especially the back of your neck, and wash it off after approximately 15 minutes. You can also apply a paste oatmeal, yogurt and tomato juice on your face and neck to reduce the tanning effect. Turmeric powder is excellent for improving the skin tone and texture and you should regularly apply a pack prepared with lime powder. The turmeric helps to improve the complexion, while the lemon acts as natural bleaching agent. Potato also helps to bleach the skin naturally and thus you can rub some potato slices on your neck to gradually lighten the skin of your neck. Grated tomato with a few drops of lemon juice can also be applied to the face and neck and washed off when it dries completely. You should repeat this daily for around a fortnight to see best results. Another good way to improve the skin tone and lighten the skin of your neck is an application of orange peel pack. You should dry orange peels and make a fine powder out of them, which your can store in a bottle and make a pack with some rose water or milk which you should apply on your face and neck and wash off after 15 to 20 minutes.

answered by M W

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