Leg pain remedies

If you are suffering from an unexplained pain behind your knee, you should first try and examine the reason for this. Since you have not mentioned your age or gender, there could be any number of possibilities that would suffice as reasons for this. If you are a female over the age of 50, this could be a pain associated with arthritis. In rare cases, arthritis could also affect any person of any gender and age at any time. In this case, you would need to get it thoroughly checked out by a doctor. If you are indeed suffering from arthritis and this is the beginning of the disease for you, then you can also take some simple dietary measures to ensure that the disease does not spread rapidly. To begin with, you should eliminate all sour foods and meat from your diet. This will help to control the disease at the outset. If you are not suffering from the first few stages of arthritis, you can also check to see if you have suffered a blow or an injury of some kind. It is possible that you may have hurt yourself without really noticing it. If this is the case, then you can take appropriate measures to deal with that as well.

Try to put warm compresses on the areas that are aching the most. This will provide relief, and if you are indeed injured, it will also help to disperse the blood and not allow it to pool in any one area, thus preventing clots or bruises. You can also massage the paining area with warm mustard oil for relief from the pain and also for the excellent healing properties that mustard oil has. This will help to heal the area many times faster. In case you have had this pain fro more than a few weeks, it is best that you consult a doctor to determine what the problem is. Sometimes, such aches and pains can also indicate the presence of tumors of some sort. It is best not to leave any avenue unexplored. Even though the tumor may be benign, it is possible that it may cause damage and it is better to have it diagnosed beforehand. Only a doctor will be able to tell you if this is the case, and that too, only after a physical examination of the knee. It is best not to delay in this matter.

answered by G M

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