I am in serious pain. I just had filling fallout. The pain in my tooth is killing me. It is the weekend. What do I do?

There are some easy methods you can use at home for toothache due to any reason. But first, you should eliminate the possibility of infection. Keep in mind that if you are suffering from an infection of some sort, then home remedies alone are not going to be of much use to you. No matter what, you will have to employ the services of a dentist and get your tooth cleaned out properly. In all probability, you are actually suffering from an infection. The reason for this is that a cavity filling does not simply fall out one day, unless it was badly planted. Even then, it should take about a day or two to fall out. If your cavity filling has fallen out, it means that the filling was probably loose for a while and finally, it fell out when the grip it had on your tooth weakened completely. This would also indicate that there is probably food matter that has been travelling to your cavity and accumulating there for a while now. This is what leads to an infection. For intermittent pain relief, you may adopt the remedies listed here.

To begin with, you can apply ice on the cavity. This will help you to get relief for some time at least. When you are not suffering as much pain, you can actually place a clove and clamp it down between the two teeth. This will help to get relief from the pain. Cloves are considered to be particularly helpful in providing relief toothache. Alternately, you can also put a drop of clove oil straight into the cavity. But you should make sure you only do this after you have comfortably numbed the tooth with ice chips. Not everyone can take the strong spicy flavor of cloves, and you may not want to add a burning tooth to your woes. You can also apply a used and chilled tea bag to the injured tooth. This is known to have miraculous cures when it comes to taking care of any kind of pus or infection that may have taken root inside the tooth. All you would have to do is place the tea bag on the tooth and leave it there for about 15 to 20 minutes. If there is any pus inside the tooth, it will automatically be expelled. You would not have to make any efforts to do this either; it will come out on its own.

answered by G M

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