Side effects of propolis lozenge?

The description and question you have posed here is somewhat unclear. If you mean to say that you have taken a propolis lozenge and after this your tongue started burning, then in all likelihood, you are allergic to propolis. This is one of the commonest allergies in the world, and it will be confirmed if you run a medical allergy test on yourself. A lot of people are routinely allergic to all honey bee products. It is also possible that you are allergic to wax, bee pollen, royal jelly, honey and all other related products. It is also good to know that in many cases where people are not allergic to bees or bee products, propolis may be very effectively used as a medicine. Since bee and all bee product allergies are not altogether easy to handle, there are very few things you can do at home for them. It is highly recommended that you seek medical help with your condition. This is because it is possible that there is an element of toxicity that may be accompanying the propolis and this may have affected you. It is also possible that you need to get the toxins out of your system. This may also require some element of medical expertise. If your condition remains unchanged in the next 48 hours, you should not wait to visit an emergency room. Keep in mind that insect allergies of any and all kinds can be very dangerous. You do not want to get afflicted with any kind of irreversible damage due to this.

For momentary relief, meanwhile, you can try to keep some ice on your tongue, particularly in places where it hurts the most. This may provide some momentary relief. But you need to make sure that the water used to make the ice was clean. Try to make your own ice. If possible, make it with green tea instead of plain water. Green tea also has excellent healing properties that may help with healing. Alternately, you can also use fresh milk which has been boiled prior to using. You can add a pinch of turmeric powder to this and keep it on your tongue. If you are not comfortable drinking or swallowing it, you can make an ice cube with it and use that instead. In any case, these are the only few available methods that may help you to get momentary relief from your discomfort.

answered by M W

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