How do I get rid of cramps in calf muscles?

Getting rid of cramps in the calf muscles would totally depend upon why you are suffering from these cramps in the first place. There could be a few possible reasons for this. You should check to see of any of them apply to you. Basically, muscular cramping occurs when the muscles are over worked, or when they do not have enough nutrition to perform their normal and natural functions, or when they are starved of water. These are the easiest and most plausible reasons for developing muscle cramps. You need to see which one of these reasons apply to you. If you have recently started exercising, then you may find that this is resulting in excessive taxation of your muscles. You need to keep in mind that if you start exercising, you also need to increase your protein intake in proportion to the amount of exercise you are doing. This is because exercise builds muscles and muscles are made entirely of protein. So if you are consuming the normal amount of protein you should be consuming everyday, then you need to increase your intake. This way, you will find that your musculature develops well and quickly and also that your muscles are not aching and causing cramps and pulls.

When we exercise, we also have a tendency to sweat. When we sweat, the body loses extremely large quantities of water. If you are faced with this typical problem, then you should also increase your water intake to a very large degree. Basically, you must replenish the water that your body is losing while exercising. On a normal day, if you are not indulging in heavy exercise, you should be drinking about 4 liters of water. If you are exercising, then depending upon the type of exercise and the amount of time dedicated to it, you should increase your water intake by double at least. The third and last thing you would have to think about is whether you have suddenly come into any kind of activity that would strain normally unused muscles. This would mean something like excessive running, walking, swimming and so on. Even if you have started standing too much recently, this would also qualify. If this is the case, you should take breaks, or cut back on the excessive exercise at one go. This is the only way you can control water retention and prevent swelling in the lower leg and foot areas.

answered by M W

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