How long does it take for gastritis to cure? I have been out the hospital almost two weeks now?

In all probability, your gastritis is cured since you are out of the hospital. You need to remember that the symptoms may persist for some time. If you had gastritis that was strong enough to take you to the hospital, then you will need to give your body time to recover from the symptoms. It is not always easy, because in all likelihood, you have had the ailment for a fairly long period of time. Only if you are suffering from chronic gastritis do you actually end up going to a hospital. The other thing is whether or not you are sticking to the prescribed diet. For patients of gastritis, it is extremely important to follow a proper diet, which is mostly prescribed when they leave the hospital itself. Please see to it that you are religiously and strictly following the diet that you have been told to follow. Some simple rules are as follows: you must totally stop smoking in order to cure your chronic condition. This is particularly important since cigarette smoke is high on acid content and will also work towards warming your digestive tract. This in turn creates an atmosphere for excessive acidity. You need to stay away from smoking as stringently as possible.

The other thing you always need to remember is to stay away from excessively spicy foods. These are also major contributors towards acidity. Oily and rich food will also contribute to aggravate your gastric condition. You should make it a point to stay away from that too. Alcohol is another major factor you would need to take into account, if you are suffering from gastritis; you need to also stay away from alcohol, as it will aggravate your condition. If you are on some type of medication for your gastritis, you would also need to make sure you haven't become immune to it. This would happen if you have been taking the medicine for too long. So your best bet in this case would be to switch over to an alternative in a different brand, or of a different type. You should also increase your intake of fresh and unflavored yogurt to take care of your condition. Yogurt has a natural tendency to neutralize acidity and will always be a major contributor in taking care of gastritis. You can make your own buttermilk with a tablespoon of fresh yogurt whipped into a glass of water and keep sipping from this concoction all day.

answered by G M

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