What to do in case of a bee sting?

Bees and wasps usually avoid humans but if bothered they can attack and their stings can be really nasty and painful. If you or your child has been stung by a bee, the first thing you should do is check if the stinger has to be removed from the skin. You should never pull out the stinger using tweezers, because this will only squeeze the venom sack that is attached to the stinger and release more venom into your skin, aggravating the pain. The best way to remove the stinger is by gently scraping it with a knife or fingernail. Once you have safely removed the stinger you should wash the area with soap water and wipe it clean with alcohol or an antiseptic. It is recommended to immediately apply a cold wet compress or an icepack on the stung skin to reduce the swelling, redness and pain.

Another effective way to reduce the inflammation and redness is to rub some baking soda on the affected area. Alternately you can make a paste of baking soda and water and spread it over the affected area. This helps to pull the heat away from the skin, providing instant relief from the pain. You can also dissolve a tablet of aspiring in water and rub the ensuing paste or simply rub a wet tablet on the affected area for the same results. Household ammonia also helps to reduce the swelling and pain after a bee sting and is found in several products for insect bites. You can simply apply some household ammonia on the affected area. Similarly apple cider vinegar applied to the affected area soothes the redness and inflammation. Toothpaste applied immediately on the sting can provide instant relief from the pain by drawing the heat away from the skin. If you live in an area with many bees and find yourself stung often, take your precautions to avoid heavy brush where the bees could attack you and avoid wearing bright colors and sweet perfumes which attract bees. You should also increase your intake of zinc since that seems to inhibit bees from stinging humans. If none of the home remedies work after a bee sting and you notice that the symptoms persist even after 72 hours, with increased swelling you should consult a doctor for adequate treatment. Symptoms such as tightness in the throat or chest accompanied by troubled breathing, dizziness, nausea, vomiting or fever also spell trouble and call for doctor's consultation.

answered by M W

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