Effective Remedies For Curing Yeast | Bacterial Vaginitis

Is using yogurt with the tampon safe for treatment of bacterial and yeast vaginitis for an early pregnancy?

Vaginitis is a bacterial or yeast infection that causes inflammation in the vagina, accompanied with one or many of the following symptoms: irritation, discomfort, and foul-smelling discharge. The use of yoghurt as a remedy for vaginitis has been long in practice. Yoghurt contains natural and friendly bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, which is usually available in the vagina, and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast. One of ways to treat vaginitis, therefore, can be introducing Lactobacillus acidophilus in the vagina to fight the harmful microorganisms. Being a natural remedy it is considered safe and effective. Therefore, using tampon soaked in yogurt should be having no complications. There is no reason to worry even if you continue this during early pregnancy. However, if you do not feel comfortable or have some doubts or worries regarding the use, you should consult a gynecologist and ask for medical advice.

There are also some other readily available remedies that you can try out. If you are worried about using tampons, you can simply apply the yogurt on the infected area. Applying tea tree oil can also reduce inflammation and help fight infection. Washing with boric acid or vinegar may give relief too. Dissolve one teaspoon of boric powder or one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half liter of lukewarm water. Applying crushed garlic can directly can also help fight of infection. Alternatively, garlic can also be added to the diet. Other herbs like calendula and echinacea are also known to be effective against bacterial infections. To ease the pain, you can also apply a cold compress on the labial area. You can either use a washcloth or a tea bag soaked in ice cold water to be applied as a cold compress.

Besides these remedies, you should also take some care to maintain proper hygiene. Always wear washed underwear and change them daily. Use complete cotton underwear as it gives comfort as well as allows the skin to breathe. Clean the genital area often and keep it dry. A diet plan can also help in fighting with the infection. Plan a balanced and nutritious diet with plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits. Also include whole grains, cereals, essential oils, fish, meat, etc. Add yogurt in your diet to introduce probiotic bacteria in the body. Supplements of vitamin A and vitamin E are also helpful in treating vaginitis. However, completely avoid processed foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, saturated fats.

answered by M W

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