Vaginal Infections | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

From last three days I am felling pain in abdominal and pelvic region and while passing stool I feel blood is there in feaces. Can you help me to find whats the problem?

The pelvic pain that you are experiencing may be caused due to an infection or inflammation. The pain however may not be caused by the pelvic area or the bone itself. Sometimes pain that is caused due to a disorder in the bladder, appendix or the bowel can also spread to the pelvic area and hence causes discomfort. Other reasons of pelvic pain that are not related to the reproductive organs may include irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and kidney or bladder stones as well as muscle spasms. Disorders that are related with the reproductive organs and tend to cause pain in the pelvic or the abdominal area include vaginal infections, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and sexually transmitted diseases as well. The best advice is to visit your local doctor or gynecologist in order to determine the exact cause of the pain as ignoring it may cause  further complications that maybe serious in the long run.If you have had any surgery in the past or a severe infection in the lower area of the body then you may also experience pelvic pain due to the formation of scar tissues or adhesions. Adhesions are caused when the surfaces of the organs or the structures that are located in the abdomen start to bind to each other. Other causes of pelvic or abdominal pain are fibroid tumors. A fibroid tumor is a non cancerous growth of the muscle located in the uterus. These tumors have no symptoms but when they are present they sometimes cause pain or a feeling of increased pressure on the pelvic area. Regarding the appearance of blood in your stool you will need to make sure about it before reach any conclusions as to whether the pain in the pelvic and abdominal area are related to it. If you are positive then it may also be endometriosis. It is basically a disorder in which the tissue that is found in the lining of the uterus is also found elsewhere in the pelvic cavity and thus causes lesions. One of the common symptoms of endometriosis is pelvic pain and the appearance of blood in the stool. The pelvic pain in endometriosis generally occurs during the menstrual cycle but can occur even outside of your monthly menstrual cycle. Make sure you visit your doctor in order to find out the exact cause of your symptoms and then seek the appropriate treatment under the guidance of your doctor.

answered by M W

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