Excessive Perspiration

I perspire tremendously everywhere my armpits are the most embarrasing because they smell after. What can I do i have been to doctors and all I am desperate?

Sweating is an important function of the body and is also known as perspiration. The amount you perspire varies and is dependent on a lot factors but the most important is the amount of sweat glands that you have on your body. Other factors include genes, the kind of food you eat and if you have a medical disorder as well. Axillary hyperhidrosis is a disorder in which a person sweats excessively from the armpit area. This can be controlled by using a number of medical procedures, prescription medication and over the counter measures. The first one that you can try is the use of Botox.

Botox is basically a type of protein and is injected in small doses in to the skin. Once injected into the skin it blocks the action of the nerves that nourish the eccrine or sweat glands. Hence the glands are not able to produce sweat. This procedure is known to be successful and the effects of the botox can last up to six months at a time. Though temporary the procedure is effective.

You can also combat the excessive sweating by using an antiperspirant, and if this is still ineffective then ask your doctor for a prescription known as Aluminum hydrochloride forte. Apply the same every night and wash it off in the morning. Follow the treatment for at least a week in order to see the results. Be careful when using the medication though as it is known to cause skin irritation. Therefore test it on a small patch of skin before you go ahead and directly apply it to your armpits. Also consult your doctor regarding the amount of application needed. If you do have any allergic reactions discontinue the medication as it will cause further complications.

Apart from the conventional methods of curing this highly embarrassing disorder you can also try an alternative method of cure. Chinese medicine is supposed to be effective in curing Axillary hyperhidrosis. It is supposed to work by treating the imbalances of the body rather than just counteracting the symptoms. The treatment you will receive using Chinese medication will be tailor made to your imbalances as each person's body is different. So if you are considering using this form of medication refrain from taking advice from anybody else who is not qualified to treat your condition. Therefore make sure you consult a well qualified and well trained Chinese medicine practitioner.

answered by M W

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