From what you have mentioned in the question it is difficult to ascertain what it could be, or what could have caused the red spot. You may need to consult a dermatologist to find out the exact cause of this red spot and get it treated accordingly.
There may be multiple causes for the appearance of the red spot. It can be an infection or allergy. It may also be a result of some underlying diseases in the body. Age, injury, overexposure to sun, effect of cosmetics, or other metabolic irregularity in the body may also be a reason for it.
If the red spot is benign and does not cause pain or inflammation, it will probably go away on its own. There are, however, some home remedies that you may try out to remedy it. You can use natural bleaches like lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to fade the red spot. Rub cotton balls soaked in lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on the affected area. You can also use aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, buttermilk, and castor oil similarly. A paste made by mixing sandalwood and rosewater can also be applied on the spot. Another popular method is to rub freshly cut vegetable slices - like cucumber, potato, or tomato - on the affected area. The juices of these vegetables are supposed to be helpful to clean up the skin. Rubbing ice cubes on the spot may also help clean up the pores and reducing swelling (if any). You should also take care to wash your face properly so as to remove clogs from pores on the skin. Apply sunscreen lotion to protect your skin whenever you go out in direct sunlight. Also, keep your skin moisturized by applying almond oil, vitamin E oil, or a good moisturizing cream.
A diet plan is also important to keep your skin healthy. Include green vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, whole grains, and pulses in your daily food. Avoid processed foods, caffeinated or carbonated drinks, alcohol, and other foods made with refined flour. It is utmost importance that you drink good amount of water every day. Fluid intake helps to flush out toxins as well as keeps your skin properly hydrated.
Besides these, a regular mild exercise can also benefit you. If you are averse to go to a gym and exercise, take little time away for a little bit of walk or jogging. A little bit of physical exercise helps in relaxing the body and lets it heal itself more effectively.
answered by G M